Monday, November 7, 2011

Alien Abduction

So, (Mariel speaking. ahem NOT an old lady name) little did we know, this trip is not only taking us across the country, but into outer space.  Yep, that's right: we were abducted by aliens.  We were all kind of in shock, so we don't remember much except that the little green guys were really nice--very hospitable--and, as it turns out, were just looking for directions to the next galaxy...  Unfortunately, what seemed like a few hours to us "up there" was actually like two weeks Earth-time. Which explains our lack of blog-posting....

Not buying it?  Well, all I have to say to you is :P.  It actually happened...or was that just a really strange dream...

Regardless of our misadventures with aliens, we are back on track and back to blogging.  And boy has a lot happened.  First off, Renee went to a party where she ended up wrestling this random guy, and won.  It was quite a contest--she threw him against a wall at one point (I never learned that in girl scouts...).  At least Renee didn't break out her baby fists--otherwise the guy would have just laughed because those things are TINY.  No offense, Renee. I have baby fists too.  Speaking of myself, I did not attend the party, and neither did Shannon.  I worked on perfecting the art of starting a fire with a chocolate bar and a pop can--unsuccessfully, but I'm going to do it!!!!!!!!!!  Shannon watched me.  And laughed at my frustration. A lot.  I worked on starting a fire for like 2 hours, and then Shannon just whipped out the matches and started a fire in like five seconds.  She does not have confidence in my cave-girl skills, not that cavepeople would have have a pop can or a chocolate bar...but still. Grrrrrr. Although it was getting cold, so I guess I can't really blame her.

The rest of our time has been pretty easy going.  Lots of farms. Oh! Funny story about farms.  We were just walking along and this guy comes riding up on a tractor and is like "Get off my prop'ty, you whippersnappers!"  He has to be like 80 and he has this big beer gut and we are on the ROAD which I'm pretty sure belongs to the government or something.  To say the least, we aren't very intimidated, so we just kind of ignore him and make what-the-heck faces at one another and walk a little faster because his tractor is probably the slowest tractor I've ever seen.  Then comes the interesting part: "Dontchewalkawayfromeeeeee!!" he yells and whips out a pitchfork, which does freak us out and we RUN--I mean, we really book it until he's just a little dot in the distance.  The next morning, when we are walking through this little dinky town, the front page of the weekly paper reads "Bob Smitherson Goes Bonkers" and shows a picture of the old tractor guy holding his pitchfork up in the air with a dead, roadkill skunk speared on the end of it.  We don't say anything but I can tell what we were all thinking: I'm glad that skunk is not us.

Tips we've got for yall:
1) Don't talk to strangers.  Really don't talk to old fat guys on tractors.
2) While aliens may be nice, make sure they return you to the proper time zone.
3) Gotsod Rudoglo: "Where is the Andromeda Galaxy" in the Lpoglo (the aliens') language.  Just in case you ever feel like exploring outer space in your free time.

 Lots of farms........

1 comment:

  1. Aliens. Wow. This really is turning into a walk to remember. For real!
