Monday, October 17, 2011

We Love Peoria!

Hello everyone.  It's now been a week since we started and we didn't expect such tragedy.  We're tired, hungry as hell, and in the middle of nowhere, Peoria, Illinois.   

We've made it here though, which is great - and for now we're just hanging out at a pit stop trying to get by.  Mariel is still in a good mood though because she saw the chocolate exhibit in Chicago, I'm doing pretty well because I saw the whale exhibit, and Renee... well, Renee has lost all hope because she's already managed to break a rib in the first week.

Since we're tired, hungry as hell, and in a pit stop in the middle of nowhere, below is a picture of Renee - hoarding food in the bathroom that we're at. 

Don't judge us.

Alright, now that our state of distraughtness and frustration has been explained to you, we'll show you Peoria. 
Where is Peoria you ask?

 (This photo is not ours, we found it on Google.)
Peoria, although a nice city, is a rather big town with a small heart feelin'.  We got to hang out there for a day or so as we were passing through and we met a lot of great people, like Parker James, Frank, and Mariel (#2), also known as CatladyCatladyCatlady!! (Please note, that this is a different Mariel - as affirmed by the #2.)
We were lucky enough to hang out a council meeting of theirs and if you want to check it out as well, you can do so here:  

Parker James's birthday was last week so we wished him a happy birthday.  Renee wanted to have an extensive conversation about environmental issues with CatladyCatladyCatlady; however, we told her that we didn't have time and we had to be on our way... and she's still mad at us for that.  Oh well.
(Mariel still thinks that we're going to die because I stopped being a girl scout a year earlier than her, and Renee was never one.)

The weather's been rough.  I've heard it's been raining all over Michigan too, but it's really been raining here.  I just wish it would stop.  We brought 12 pairs of socks, but we're really going through those like ants on a piece of trash.  (A simile courtesy of Renee.)  
We're also running out of our 1 lb jaw breakers.  If anyone wants to supply us with new ones, that would be great.  Who knew that they would go so fast on such a trip?

Like ants on a piece of trash.

Since we've started this trip, we've experienced some interesting things.  A homeless man tried to eat Renee's triscuits, so she fought him off... with a stick (I did not condone this!) and won... she then ate her triscuits and they were gone shortly after.  Mariel received a tetanus shot from a clinic after cutting herself on some strange metal.  And I, Shannon, have been yelled at sixteen times for picking up stray animals.  Renee tells me that they will just eat all of her food, so there are no animals allowed.

(But she doesn't know that I'm hiding this hedgehog in my backpack):

All in all, this trip has thus far proved to be interesting.  We're still walking though so keep yourself updated by checking back every few days!  We'll add more to the blog as we make more stops. 

 Rule number four:
4. Food is more important than love

1 comment:

  1. This is like the Oregon Trail, haha! I wonder how all three of your personalities will survive the trip. I hope Shannon didn't steal any of Catlady Catlady Catlady's cats, or else you will have a dangerous stalker following you around.

    Keep up the good work! May the Force be with you!
